Pointer Arithmetic

Pointer Arithmetic

In Pointer Fundamentals, we learned that pointers are variables that store memory addresses. In Arrays, we learned that arrays contain a sequence of elements of the same type. As it turns out, pointers can point to those array elements. We will go more in-depth on this topic in the next page: Pointers and Arrays.

Pointers can point to array elements.

For example, consider the following array and pointer:

int numbers[5];
int *p = numbers; // p points to the first element of numbers, same as int *p = &numbers[0];
// after
p = &numbers[2];  // p now points to the third element of numbers

The diagram below shows what we did in the memory:

Pointer Arithmetic Introduction Diagram

Each memory address is 4 bytes apart from each other. This is because each int is 4 bytes in size. The other bytes are omitted for simplicity.

Pointing and assigning to different element memory addresses alone is not very useful. What is useful is the ability to perform arithmetic on pointers. This is called pointer arithmetic.

In C, there are only three forms of pointer arithmetic: adding an integer to a pointer, subtracting an integer from a pointer, and subtracting one pointer from another. Let's look at each of these in detail.

Adding an Integer to Pointer

We can add an integer to a pointer to move the pointer.

For example:

int numbers[5];
int *p = numbers;
p = p + 2; // p now points to the third element of numbers

Be cautious when performing arithmetic on a pointer because it is possible to go out of bounds of the array. For example, if we add 5 to p, it will point to the sixth element of numbers, which is out of bounds. This is undefined behavior.


Performing arithmetic on a pointer can cause undefined behavior if the pointer goes out of bounds of the array.

Subtracting an Integer from a Pointer

Subtracting is simple:

int numbers[5];
int *p = &numbers[4]; // p points to the last element of numbers
int *q = &numbers[2]; // q points to the third element of numbers
p = p - 2;            // p now points to the third element of numbers

The example above has both p and q pointing to the third element of numbers.

Subtracting One Pointer from Another

When subtracting pointers from each other, the result is the distance between the two pointers in terms of the number of elements. For example:

int numbers[5];
int *p = &numbers[4];          // p points to the last element of numbers
int *q = &numbers[2];          // q points to the third element of numbers
int distance = p - q;          // distance is 2
int negative_distance = q - p; // negative_distance is -2

Comparing Pointers

We can compare pointers using relational operators (<, <=, >, >=) and equality operators (==, !=). The outcome of the comparison depends on the relative positions of the pointers in memory. For example:

int numbers[5];
int *p = &numbers[4]; // p points to the last element of numbers
int *q = &numbers[2]; // q points to the third element of numbers
if (p > q) {
  printf("p is greater than q\n");             // this will be printed
if (p < q) {
  printf("p is less than q\n");                // this will NOT be printed
if (p >= q) {
  printf("p is greater than or equal to q\n"); // this will be printed
if (p <= q) {
  printf("p is less than or equal to q\n");    // this will NOT be printed
if (p == q) {
  printf("p is equal to q\n");                 // this will NOT be printed
if (p != q) {
  printf("p is not equal to q\n");             // this will be printed

Remember, pointers are just memory addresses. When comparing pointers, we are comparing the memory addresses.

Pointers to Compound Literals


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